Regardless of the size of the group, 1 or 50, ELITE Fitness & Nutrition offers a system that allows for individualized attention and growth. Each athlete/clients progress is tracked on a daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly basis. No matter what the ultimate goal is there must be a progression of training that is tracked and monitored to prevent stagnation or plateau. E.F.N. provides an individualized program packet to each athlete that allows us to track every set of every exercise. This enables us to specifically adjust the programs intensity, volume, and overall make-up from week to week based on any circumstances.
Individualized Small Group

Athletes are placed in these groups based on the sport or positions. This helps to make training accessable… Read more…
Warrior ELITE BB Club

The Warrior ELITE Barbell Club is ELITE Fitness & Nutrition’s new Weightlifting team. Comprised of men and women of all ages and experience levels. Olympic Weightlifting has amazing benefits regardless of who you are. If you are looking to improve your athletic performance Weightlifting will develop the posterior chain, an essential building block from which to build a healthy body and long career. It will improve mobility and coordination throughout the body allowing you to generate strength and power through a greater range of motion. Read more…

Teams of any size. A Focuse is placed on individual development of the athletes as well as team… Read more…